The Business Network Marketing - is an asset not a Job By Robert Kiyosaki (*)
Sometimes people ask me "Why so few people reach high levels in the systems network marketing?" The truth is that high levels of network systems marketing are available to all - unlike traditional corporate systems allow only one person to reach the highest position. The reason why most do not reach the top is simply because they quit too soon. So Why give up before reaching the summit? Most people enter just to make money.
If you do not make money in the first months or years, become disillusioned and leave (and generally speaking pests industry). Others leave to find another company with a better compensation plan, but enter this business to make a few quick weight is not a good reason.
If you do not make money in the first months or years, become disillusioned and leave (and generally speaking pests industry). Others leave to find another company with a better compensation plan, but enter this business to make a few quick weight is not a good reason.
The two main reasons for entering into a business network marketing or network marketing.
The first reason it is to help you. The second reason is to help others. If you enter only one of these two reasons, then the system will not work for you.
The first reason means you are in business primarily to change quadrants - to change the quadrant E (Employee) or S (Auto -employee) quadrant B (Business owner) or I (Investor)
This change is normally very difficult for most people - because of money. People quadrants 'E' or 'S' really will not work if not for the money. This is also the reason why people fail to reach the summit: They want more fervently money than they want to change quadrants.
A person quadrants 'B' or 'I' also work for money, but very differently. The quadrant person 'B' works to build or create an asset -. In this case a business system, the quadrant person 'I' invests in an asset or system B to generate more money
A 'B 'or' I ', sometimes not paid for years and this; for a person who is truly immersed in the quadrants 'E' or 'S' is unacceptable, it is not part of its core values. Risk and delayed gratification the disturbed emotionally.
Delayed Gratification and Emotional Intelligence.
One of the beauties of network marketing is that it focuses on developing emotional intelligence as well as Business Skills and Financial Intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is a very different matter from academic intelligence. In general, a person with high emotional intelligence will do better than another with high academic intelligence but low emotional intelligence. This partly explains why some people do well in school but not so well in real life.
The ability to delay gratification is a sign of greater emotional intelligence. In a recent study of emotional intelligence, it was found that people able to defer gratification often led more successful than those who did life.
Hence the importance of the training system inherent in a good opportunity within network marketing. The aspect I find most valuable for people is the emotional education or development of emotional intelligence.
Many people write me saying they loved my book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, but I fear that many have not understood the point most important book. "the rich do not work for money" Lesson # 1,
once you 've created or bought an asset, that asset works hard to earn money for me. But I will not work for money - I will work to build or buy assets. Those assets make me richer and richer, while becoming less work. That's what the rich. The poor and middle class work hard for money, but then buy liabilities instead of investing in assets.
What kind of asset is the Business Network Marketing?
Remember, there are two reasons to be successful in network marketing: for help yourself and to help others. The first reason means helping to change the side 'B' quadrant. What's the second reason?
The beauty of most systems network marketing is that really you do not make much money unless you help others to leave the quadrants' E 'and' S 'and succeed in quadrants' B' and 'I '. If you focus on helping others make this change, then you will succeed in this business.
If you just want to learn to be a person of the quadrants 'B' and 'I', then a true system of network marketing is not going to work for you. Well you can go to a traditional business school that focus to become a quadrant person 'B'.
The beauty of a business network marketing is that your goal is to create assets, which are other 'B's working under you - and your job is to create other 'B's working under them. In the traditional business, the approach is that the 'B' are pure 'E's and' S's working for them.
The type of business I learned to do is a business in which I am at the top and 'E's and' S's in base. The truth is that there is no room at the top for many other 'B's, is why in my businesses strongly encourage my employees to look at network marketing as an alternative to make their own business part - time.
The traditional system Corporate is really a pyramid, as there are a few 'B's and' I's near the summit and many more 'E's and' s's at the base. A network marketing system is an inverted pyramid: its primary focus is to bring more and more 'B's to the top. One type of pyramid, the traditional, is based on earth, the other is based on the air, this is a pyramid that pulls you up instead of pushing down. A business network marketing (or network marketing) gives you access to the whole world to what used to be a domain only for the rich.
According to report in the Wall Street Journal, JP Morgan said: Rich Dad Poor Dad is "required reading for millionaires "and USA Today called Rich Dad Poor Dad" a starting point for anyone looking to take control of their financial future. "
(*) Robert Kiyosaki is the author of several bestselling books: Rich Dad Poor Dad; The Cashflow Quadrant; Guide to Investing and Rich Dad, Son Son Intelligent Rico. He is a recognized speaker and teacher on the subject of money.
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