Tuesday, December 20, 2016

After many years of telling people that chemotherapy is the only way to treat (treat literally) and eliminate cancer, John Hopkins Hospital is finally beginning to tell people that there are alternatives:
1. Every person has cancer cells in the body.
These cells are not seen in regular checkups until they have multiplied to a few trillion.
When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells after treatment, it only means that the check-ups do not detect them because they have not reached a detectable size.
2. Cancer cells occur 6 out of 10 times in people's lives.
3. When a person's immune system is strong, cancer cells will be destroyed and multiplication and formation of tumors will be prevented.
4. When a person has cancer, this indicates that that person has many nutritional deficiencies. This can occur for different reasons such as genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle.
5. To solve these many nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements is imperative to boost the immune system.
6. Chemotherapy actually poisons cancer cells, but it also destroys healthy cells in the spinal cord as well as those in the intestine, causing damage to organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, and lungs.
7. Radiation, when it destroys cancer cells, also burns and damages healthy cells and organs. As well as the tissues.
8. Initial treatment of chemotherapy and radiation often reduces the size of tumors, but prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation does not result in the total destruction of tumors.
9. When the body has many toxins due to chemotherapy and radiation, the immune system is compromised or destroyed. That is why people can suffer from various types of infections and complications.
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause the mutation of cancer cells that resist and make it difficult to completely destroy them.
Surgery may also cause the cells to invade other organs.
11. An effective way to fight cancer is not to feed cancer cells the food they need to multiply.
1. SUGAR. It is a cancer food. Not consuming sugar cuts one of the most important elements of cancer cells.
There are substitutes for sugar such as stevia, molasses honey, etc.
Saccharin is made with aspartame and is not good for health.
The salt has a chemical that is added to make it look white. A better alternative is sea salt or vegetable salts.
2. MILK. Causes the body to produce mucus. Especially in the intestinal duct. Cancer cells feed on mucus.
Eliminating milk and replacing it with vegetable milks (rice milk, oatmeal, non-transgenic soy, almonds, etc.), cancer cells do not have to eat, therefore they die.
3. Cancer cells mature in an acidic environment. A diet based on red meat is acidic. It is better to eat fish and some chicken, instead of beef or pork.
In addition, the meat has hormones, parasites and antibiotics that are harmful to health, especially for people with cancer.
Meat protein is very difficult to digest and requires many enzymes.
The meat that is not digested remains in the intestines and goes into putrefaction and this leads to the creation of more toxins.
1. A diet based on 80% fresh vegetables and juices, grains, seeds, nuts, almonds and fruits, put the body in an alkaline environment.
Only 20% should be consumed in cooked foods, including beans.
Fresh vegetable juices provide the body with coenzymes that are easy to absorb and reach into the cells after 15 minutes of being ingested, to nourish and help form healthy cells.
To get live enzymes that help build healthy cells, you should take vegetable juices and eat lots of fresh vegetables (2 or 3 times a day).
Avoid coffee, tea and chocolate as they have caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties.
Water is best to take it purified or filtered to avoid toxins and heavy metals from tap water (faucet).
Distilled water is acidic, DO NOT take it.
2. Cancer cell walls are covered by a very hard protein. By avoiding eating meat, these walls release more enzymes that attack the proteins of cancer cells and allow the immune system to destroy the cancer cells.
3. Some supplements help to rebuild the immune system (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, lemon, florescence, essiac, efas (fish oil), to help cells fight and destroy cancer cells.
Other supplements like vitamin E are well known because they cause apoptosis, the body's normal method of removing unnecessary or defective cells.
4. Cancer is also a disease of the mind, body and spirit. A more positive and active attitude will help fight the cancer patient to become a survivor.
Rage and misunderstanding, resentment, anger and unforgiveness, puts the body in a stressful situation and in an acidic environment.
Learning to have a kind and loving spirit, with a positive attitude, is very beneficial to health.
Learn to relax and enjoy the life.
5. Cancer cells can not live in an oxygenated environment.
Practicing daily exercise and deep breathing helps to receive more oxygen to cellular levels.
Oxygen therapy is another element that helps destroy cancer cells.
-No plastic containers in the microwave.
-No bottles of water in the freezer (refrigerator).
-No plastic wrap in the microwave.
6. Chemicals such as dioxins cause cancer, especially breast cancer.
Dioxin is very destructive, especially for the body's cells.
7. Do not put your plastic water bottles in the freezer, since the plastic removes dioxin and poisons the water.
Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto (Wellnes Program Manager at Castle Hospital), was on a TV program and explained the danger of dioxin.
He said we do not have to put plastic containers in the microwave, especially foods that have fats.
He said that the combination of fat and strong heat, the plastic eliminates dioxin inside the food and therefore later to our body when we eat it.
Instead, glass or ceramic can be used to heat food.

It is a fact that the best alternative is Transfer Factors Tri-Factor Pluswhich enables your own body to naturally fight illnesses and diseases by increasing the immune system's natural killer cell activity by 437%!


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